Benetti Zinc Anodes

The Zinc Guy’s zinc anodes set the standard when it comes to cathodic protection.
Our Zinc Anodes meet all standards set forth by Mil-Spec A-18001K, Mil-Spec A-18001A, and Mil-Spec A-18001.
The Zinc Guy’s Bennetti zinc anodes weigh more than the competition, due to their higher quality and perform their cathodic protection job better.
Diameter: 5 3/4" Thickness: 2" Weight: 11.00 lbs USED FOR: BENETTI 93' Out plate zinc anodes are cut as per dimensions . These Zimar...
Length: 19"Width: 3 1/4"Thickness: 1 3/4"C/C: 6 1/4"Weight: 25lbs for Benetti Yachts. Whether your boat is sailing in either fresh or sea...
Diameter: 7 1/2" Inside Diameter: 6.3" Thickness: 2 3/4" Weight: 30 lbs Used in Benetti Yachts. Whether your boat is sailing in either...
Diameter: 6 3/8" Thickness: 2" Weight: 14.80 lbs Used in Benetti Yachts. Whether your boat is sailing in either fresh or sea water is...
Diameter: 2 7/8" Height: 3 1/4" Weight: 3.20 lbs Used in Benetti Yachts bow thrusters. Our nut zinc anodes are precision machined to fit...
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